type the passcode
Author: mentalcex
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Captcha Bot w/randomly generated 8 chr passcodes

Full Description

This bot functions in pretty much the same way as other captcha' bots by blocking chat access for grey users. The bot generates a unique 8 character passcode for each grey user when they type for the 1st time. Only those who enter their passcode correctly will be allowed to chat. To clear the list of allowed grey users, simply restart the bot!

I wrote this bot to challenge myself with the creation of a random passcode generator. For each of the 8 passcode characters, the code pulls a randomly selected character from a randomly selected list, created and shuffled with randomly selected upper and lower case alphanumerics. If this bot helps you, please consider supporting me with a token donation: https://www.freesexcam.ca/mentalcex/

Tested: 100% fully functional
Last Update: 8/4/2020 10:43 am
Copyright 2020 to the author, MentalCex

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