Tip Menu 50
Author: mentalcex
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

🍌 50 item Tip Menu w/color styles, sorting, and discounts.

Full Description

2021 Nominated for 'A Decade With Chaturbate Awards' -- Best Bot Developer, Tip Menu 50!

As of 1/1/2024 - Only paid users will have access to the full bot. FREE users may access the first 10 menu slots, all color options, and all thank you options. If you need more menu slots or anti-spam options, please consider life time access for 500 tokens. ( http://www.freesexcam.ca/mentalcex)

Any menu item without a description or cost will be ignored by the bot. "Discount %" is menu-wide, however, per-item discounts can be set by adding ^#^ to the beginning of each item description (EG: ^99^Boobs or ^10^Butt). The bot will automatically hide most 'grey chat' spam! It will also privately notify the tip menu to each user when they enter your chat room, and remind them to rate & follow you! The 40 Display Styles (from the creator of the CB rainbow graident) implement a blending technology that guarantees perfect color transitions. Sorting options include by Cost High-low/low-High (matching costs are additionally sorted A-z), by Item A-z/Z-a, or by shuffling. Numerical and alphabetical sorts will correctly function with Discounts (both menu-wide and per-item) and with Item description advertisements that begin with an :emoticon. However, :emoticons must begin with a ":" and end with white space (EG: ":happydance2 ").

Fun Fact: This was the very 1st Tip Menu bot on CB to use color styles/fades in menu advertisements!

Fun Fact: This bot was the origin of 1st Rainbow gradient (100% invented to make a friend smile).

Multi/Single line displays.
156 Colors with 40 unique Display Styles (color fades, rainbow, gradients, etc).
68 menu separators (or custom :emoticon/emoji/text/numbered list).
Discounts (menu-wide/per-item, can advertise with /sale).
Menu Advertisements (emoticons, URLs, etc).
Automatic 'Thank You' messages ([user] Tipped [cost] for [item], 'Random Banners', etc).
Menu arrangements (item (cost) or (cost) item).
Menu sorts (by cost, item, or shuffle).
Grey 'spam' filtering, captcha', and blocking options.
Advertise with: /tipmenu, !tipmenu, /menu, !menu, & tip menu?
Point-n-Click set-up -- super easy to use!

The "Silence Public Grey Chat" option will 100% hide all grey messages from public chat. Grey users will see everything, including their own messages (:emoticons, !triggers, etc), causing them to believe you can too! They may stay to "chat" privately and increase your user count. The more users -- the possible higher ranking on CB! For this to work, you must disable all grey chat blocking bots/apps and CB settings you currently use! These things override what a grey user actually typed by replacing it with a message telling them they were blocked. Once they know they are blocked by your other bots/apps and settings, they usually leave your chat!

This free utility bot is the most simplified and easy to use Tip Menu bot on all of Chaturbate.

This bot was written voluntarily over the last 5 years without any form of compensation from CB or its members.

If you like this bot, please consider a token donation: https://www.freesexcam.ca/mentalcex/

Cualquier elemento del men sin una descripcin o costo ser ignorado por el bot. El "Descuento %" abarca todo el men, sin embargo, Los descuentos de artculos individuales se pueden establecer agregando ^#^ al comienzo de la descripcin de cada artculo (EG: ^99^Boobs o ^10^Butt). El bot ocultar automticamente la mayora del spam de 'chat gris'! Tambin notificar en privado el 'tip menu' a cada usuario cuando ingresen a su sala de chat, y les recordar que califiquen y sigan. Los 40 estilos de pantalla implementan una tecnologa de mezcla que garantiza transiciones de color perfectas. Reordenamiento de men incluyen por Costo Alto-bajo/ bajo-Alto, por Artculo A-z/Z-a, o barajando. Los ordenamientos numricos y alfabticos funcionarn correctamente con Descuentos (tanto en todo el men como por tem) y con anuncios de descripcin de tem que comienzan con un :emoticn. Sin embargo, :emoticons debe comenzar con un ":" y terminar con espacio en espacio en blanco (EG: ":happydance2 ").

La opcin "Silenciar chat gris pblico" ocultar el 100% de todos los mensajes de chat pblico gris. Nadie podr leerlos, excepto el usuario gris que escribi el mensaje. De esta forma, los usuarios grises pueden conversar solos, lo que aumenta su nmero de usuarios. Cuantos ms usuarios, ms alto ser tu ranking! Para que esto funcione, debe deshabilitar los bots que bloquean o las configuraciones de CB que est utilizando actualmente para ocultar el chat gris.

Si este bot te ayuda, por favor considera una donacin de token: https://www.freesexcam.ca/mentalcex/



A paid user may access this bot without restriction only from the CB username that tipped for access. Life time access is valid and linked to only this 1 CB username. If you change your CB username, please contact me for a free update. If you transmit on more than 1 account, you must purchase life time access for each of your CB usernames separately.

Other Interesting Bots of Color:
multi color chat MOD
The Green Team
The Red Team
The Upper Echelon
The Grey Team
grow me a Rainbow
Rotating Rainbows
Every Tip Thank You Bot
Virtual Clubs

Tested: 100% fully functional
Last Update: 12/31/23 11:59 pm
Copyright 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 to the author, MentalCex

© Copyright Freesexcam 2011- 2024. All Rights Reserved.