The Grey Team
Author: mentalcex
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Highlight select Grey users with color. Run as Bot #1, when possible!

Full Description

This bot will change both the font and background colors for select grey users! Usernames must be entered as a comma delimited list on the bot's interface (EG: user01,person02,gray03). Only grey users are supported! The bot uses the actual 'Chaturbate Username Grey' color, which provides a seamless and recognizable transition for your regulars!

Solo los usuarios de Gray son compatibles! Sus nombres deben ingresarse en la lista, cada uno separado por una coma.

This is a very nice way to highlight or recognize your special grey users.

The color and background style are hard-coded. The bot only highlights your select grey users by changing their chat colors. I have no intentions to update, alter, tweak, or extend the behavior of this bot.

If you run this in the "Bot #1" (1st bot slot) position, it will override the output of other bots. Meaning, it will add-on to other bots by changing the chat colors of select grey users, and nothing else!

This bot was written voluntarily, without any form of compensation from CB or its members.

If this bot helps you, please consider giving me a Token Donation:

For more bots by @cexmental: /1/mentalcex/

Other Interesting Color Bots:
multi color chat MOD
The Green Team
The Red Team
The Upper Echelon
grow me a Rainbow
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Every Tip Thank You Bot

Tested: 100% fully functional
Last Update: 12/25/20 6:21 am
Copyright 2020 to the author, MentalCex

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