Author: rubzombie
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Short Description:

AKA Spam Hammer - hammers chat spammers.

Full Description

Quick Start

Click the Launch Bot tab.
Click the Start Bot button. "Fire and Forget!"

Recommended Emote Filter, No Grey Graphics
Recommended Auto-promoter, F Y I
Recommended Lucky Tip Game, Whac-a-Tip*Available* 08/01/2014


Now featuring RoboBan Rx/Instaban technology. See RoboBan for further details.

This is a chat filter that automatically replaces messages matching typical patterns of spam with a shame notice of the form:

Broadcasters and room moderators may type /sphammered, or simply /spam into chat to see a list of the last 3 "hammered" messages, in case they would want to silence or ban their posters.
They may also issue the chat command /english, or /enonly, to toggle the use of non-english characters in chat on and off.
Public chat shame notices may be toggled off using the /quiet command, effectively silencing spam messages. However, with quiet mode enabled, only broadcasters will be notified when, and by whom, their room is being spammed. So if broadcasters want moderator help in dealing with spammers, they should either set Public Chat Shame Notices to Show at start-up, or, if enabled, disable quiet mode with another /quiet command.
If you prefer SpHammer's quiet mode, and would rather have all messages from spammers blocked, you might like to give No Grey Spammers at try.
Messages from broadcasters and mods are not subject to spam filtering.


  1. All in-chat commands may be prepended with either sphammer or sh to distinguish them from those of other apps/bots. For example, use either /sphammerquiet or /shquiet if /quiet applies to another loaded app or bot.

  2. It is recommended to launch this bot from slot #3.


Also by the Same Author:

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