Author: mentalcex
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Type shortcuts that send full messages to chat!

Full Description

This bot behaves like a manual notifier, and will respond to typed shortcuts by sending a corresponding message to chat. Anything can be used as a shortcut (!hello, .follow, --Goodnight, etc) and anything can be sent to chat (text, emojiis, :GIFs, URLs, a tip menu, etc).

If "Send Message As" is set to 'Notice', then the bot will send all messages to chat as notices. If "Send Message As" is set to 'Text', then the bot will send all messages as if you typed it yourself! Commands are always hidden from chat!

If "Allow Mods Access" is set to 'Yes', then mods will be allowed to use the bot. This essentially allows your Moderator(s) a powerful tool for displaying the messages they are usually forced to copy & paste! Shortcuts typed by Moderator(s) will always send as chat notices and commands will always remain hidden from chat! if "Allow Mods Access" is set to 'No', then only the broadcaster will be allowed to use the bot.

A total of 30 shortcuts and corresponding messages can be stored in the bot. Each message can have its own foreground and background color. Only 7 character hex color codes are supported! Colors must be entered in pairs and 7 pound (#) symbols must be used to represent a blank (EG: ########FF00FF). The 1st hex color code will always represent the foreground or highlight color, and the 2nd hex color code will always represent the background color. If a message contains an invalid color code, the bot will notify you of this privately when its shortcut is typed. Each correctly typed shortcut will always send its corresponding message to chat, regardless of invalid color codes! This means the bot will not fail, even if your codes are incorrect! Find color codes here:

If you or your mods constantly type the same things to chat (No, I don't do that -- Yes, privates are 60tk/min -- Please Rate & Follow, etc) then this bot will simplify your CB experience! The bot comes preconfigured with 4 default examples!

I just want to make your job easier! Please consider a token donation:

Tested: 100% fully functional
Last Update: 12/12/19 3:51 am
Copyright 2019 to the author, MentalCex

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