Sequence Tips Bot
Author: rubzombie
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Keep track of your sequence tip king by adding a crown to the start of their messages ;)

Full Description

Now featuring RoboBan Rx/Instaban technology. See RoboBan for further details.

This bot is CBS-enabled, and may have its reigning king details saved and restored using the Save'N'Restore bookmarklet*Available* 09/17/2015. See Save'N'Restore Tip Goal for more details.

This is a very simple bot that tags your reigning sequence tip king's chat messages with a "crown" and their sequence tip value.


PLEASE NOTE: unlike the app version of this script, there is no goal setting. The expectation is that this bot is run alongside another app/bot that tracks an immediate show goal, while this bot tags the "king" sequence tipper's messages with a crown.

The first choice to make at launch is the type of "crown" to tag your sequence tip king's messages with.
The choice is between a text label "STKing", a character glyph "", or a graphic .
The graphic and glyph take up less space than the text label. Unfortunately, however, the glyph looks better here than it does in chat. So if you don't like how it looks in chat, and the graphic is unavailable, set the text label option.

Off-line Tips and Continuing Your Sequence Tip King's Reign:

By default, the sequence tip king is forgotten each time the bot is de-activated. However, you can extend their reign by entering their user name and sequence tip value at launch, so long as you remembered to make a note of both, the last time you were on cam.

TIP: just before de-activating the bot and logging off, type /sequencetipsbot? or /stb? into chat, to display the sequence tip king details. Then, while they are still visible in chat, de-activate and re-launch the bot, so that you can enter the details into the reigning pre-sets, before finally logging off. That will save the details for when you next launch the bot.
Because the bot knows nothing about off-line tips, if you receive one that would have created a new sequence tip king, you'll need to adjust the reigning pre-sets yourself, if you want off-line tips to count.
This bot has no other in-chat commands. All settings and pre-sets must be entered on the Launch Bot page.
*Update* 09/17/2015 The reigning king details can now be saved and restored using the Save'N'Restore bookmarklet.

No Pretenders to the Throne:

Although it is possible to have more than one copy of Sequence Tips Bot running, there is no point in doing so, because the bot will only tag one sequence tip king at a time. Any others will be treated as imposters, and you and they will all receive warnings notifications every time they send a message.
However, it is possible to run Sequence Tips Bot and King Tipper Bot together and have both reigning high tip and sequence tip kings, at the same time, though it might be a little confusing in chat, especially if they are one and the same user! ;)
The reigning high tip value is delimited using double colons, '::', whereas the reigning sequence tip value is delimited using double plus-signs, '++'.



Also by the Same Author:

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