Rotating n Menu Plus new
Author: zatizati
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Short Description:

Rotating Notifier and Tip Menu - plus many more ads

Full Description

Rotating Notifier n Tip Menu
Merged the two bots. with 21 menu items and with 11 notification messages. Tip menu is rotated as the first item and the beging...
Modified cacho_gordo .....
- add Notices multiline and fixed & tune code
Author: zatizati (cacho_gordo)

---------------------- cachoooooo
Author new code -- zatizati multiline & fixed some
Version: 3.1 (17/02/2020)
----->> version: 4.1 (25/01/2021)

- with pajama bot (cacho_gordo) color printer continuos paper option,
selected from many possible light and pale colors.
- and random background color for messages
- Auto thanks for tip levels, from 10 tokens
- and autoresponses for msg questions
* Now with /admenu command for demand broadcaster or mods
+ BGColor for Model Msgs
+ emoji pre-ModelMsg
+ Title tip menu
+ Randon Items menu

* Ad private show prices if activated (ver. 4.1)
* A Timer opcional for Ad Menu, 0-no extra ad

* The /admenu command has been included for use by broadcaster and mods
to present the Tip Menu at the desired time.

v 4.2
* Ad PVT, SPY con graficos y mas datos
* A Timer opcional for Ad Menu, parseInt Choice(0,3,4,5,6 minutos, default 0-no extra ad)

v 4.3
* Load string menu, opcionial si no vacio el campo formatos desc (n) / desc: n
* sin limitacion de numero de items
* /colgroups - ver los grupos de color para...
* /listcolors - ver colores de un grupo y brillo
v 4.4
* /brb - toggle brb con timeout/cancelT para anuncios, y timer opcional
* timmer de 1-4, y de 5 en 5 hasta 30 o texto I'll BRB in N mins,
* NOTE: When BRB ON no adPVT

v 4.5
* /spy [tokens/minute] - toggle hidden cam for spy when pvt outside
* /spy - default 18 tokens/minute
* see msg for command:
* /spy => On
* /spy 12 => On - for example
* /spy => Off - endded spy hide-cam

v4.6 - briadcaster commands
* /notice - public notices
* /chxmsg - change EXTRA Message for special situations
* /seecolor - test colors for name, code hex html, rgb(), hsl() or linear-gradient() function

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