Author: fatkarl
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

nyan > meow

Full Description

Can you make this robot cum? Now with 13% more user satisfaction.

Board can be generated in 2 ways:

1. Paste raw board data (output from /board_data) into "Board from data" option

2. Create board from lines in settings

If both are used, board data gets priority.

Board formatting options:

1. Basic - Items are aligned in a basic left to right fashion

2. Equalize - Attempts to equalize board rows to form a rectangle shape (works better with higher space width)

3. Compatibility - Doesn't use unicode spaces and uses regular space instead (offset/width settings have no effect)


/board - posts the board

/board_data - exports the current board state into a notice. Copy this and paste it back to the bot settings the next time you start it.

/board_set - sets the current board state from output of /board_data

/uncensor - creates a notice that circumvents CB censorship

/email [email protected] - posts the email to the broadcaster

/link fatkarl - sends a link to the user

/tippers x y - lists the tippers who tipped that amount and how many times with their email if available

x: the tip amount (required)

y: since how many minutes ago (optional)

/tippers_reset - resets the tipper lists

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