Recognize Grey
Author: mentalcex
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Highlight all grey user chat

Full Description

This bot will change both the font and background colors for every grey user! Additionally, special usernames of any type, entered as a comma delimited list on the bot's interface (EG: user01,fanclub03), will receive the same font and background colors. To add/remove a user from the list, type /recognize username. All command output is visible only to the user who typed the command. This bot uses the actual 'Chaturbate Username Grey' color, which provides a seamless and recognizable transition for your regulars!

The color and background style are hard-coded. The bot only highlights your grey/special users by changing their chat colors. I have no intentions to update, alter, tweak, or extend the behavior of this bot.

If you run this in the "Bot #1" (1st bot slot) position, it will override the output of other bots. Meaning, it will add-on to other bots by changing the chat colors of grey/special users, and nothing else!

This bot was written voluntarily, without any form of compensation from CB or its members.

If this bot helps you, please consider a Token Donation:

For more bots by @cexmental: /1/mentalcex/

Other Interesting Color Bots:
multi color chat MOD
The Green Team
The Red Team
The Upper Echelon
grow me a Rainbow
Rotating Rainbows

Tested: 100% fully functional
Last Update: 2/17/24 3:46 pm
Copyright 2024 to the author, MentalCex

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