Author: no_oneuknow
Description Launch App Current Users

Short Description:

#all-in-one, #crazyticket, #whispering, #halloween

Full Description

crazy ticket app. to get started, type in "/newshow" and start selling tickets.

here's a copy-pasta of the built-in help command:

/subject - change the room subject.
/timer - start a countdown timer.
/stoptimer - stop a running timer.
/note - send a (g)roup notice with (f)ormatting. see "/note ?"
/theme - change to another theme.
/help all - list ALL cmds
Crazy Ticket
/add - add a member to the crazy ticket show.
/rm - remove a member from the crazy ticket show.
/check - check if a member has a ticket to the show.
/tlist - list ticket holders.
/vlist - list viewers who are currently in the room and have a ticket.
/ctgoal - change goal to a new amount.
/ctprice - change the ticket price to a new amount.
/buy - send a notice to the room explaining how to buy a ticket.
/ctsubject - change the room subject with app info appended.
/cttimer - start a countdown timer for the show.
/ctstoptimer - stop a running crazyticket timer.
/newshow - clear any ticket sales and prep for a new crazy ticket show.
/startshow - start a hidden cam show, letting only ticket holders see the cam feed.
/endingshow - halt ticket sales and inform viewers that the show is nearly over.
/stopshow - stop hidden cam show and return to normal public mode.
/cancelshow - no crazy tickets, no hidden cam; time for a break or a new app.
@ - add a whisper buddy for 1-on-1 intimacy over the public chat. see "/note ?" for info on /.

use "/ ?" for help with a specific command. eg: "/note ?"

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