Author: boobiestrap
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Custom Bot for pik4pik4 (includes fanclubs, tipmenu, thank you messages and more)

Full Description

Custom Bot for pik4pik4.

This bot features:

14 Fanclubs
Users can join several clubs by tipping a specific amount. They get a tag and highlight (configurable) in chat.

If a user tips the specified amount of tokens during your show, (s)he will get added to the club automatically for the duration of the show - but you have to add the user manually before your next show. Unfortunately bot's cannot save their settings, so there is no way around that.

Thank You Messages
Different customizable "thank you" messages are displayed in chat for every tipper after each tip, depending on the amount that was tipped.

Highest Tipper
A crown is displayed in front of the highest tipper's messages.

Tip Menu
A tip menu (10 items) can be configured. It can be posted manually using a commands, and/or automatically every x minutes.
If a user tips an amount from the tip menu, a notice notifies the room about what was tipped for.

Allows broadcasters to specify any number of phrases to be censored. This can be single words, multiple words or entire sentences. It can optionally remove the entire message or just replace censored words, and it can also automatically silence the user.
All features can be turned on or off individually for grey users, users with tokens, fanclub members, moderators and the broadcaster.
The broadcaster and, optionally, moderators are notified when a message was censored - optionally they can also see the original message without replacements.


Fanclub (broadcaster and mods only)

/bulbasaur + <username>
/bulbasaur add <username>
adds <username> to the bulbasaur fanclub (non-permanent, see above).
/ivysaur, /vensaur, /charmander, /charmeleon, /charizard, /squirtle, /wartortle, /blastoise, /pichu, /pikachu, /raichu, /minion and /fanclub14 work accordingly.

/bulbasaur - <username>
/bulbasaur remove <username>
removes <username> from the bulbasaur fanclub (non-permanent, see above).
/ivysaur, /vensaur, /charmander, /charmeleon, /charizard, /squirtle, /wartortle, /blastoise, /pichu, /pikachu, /raichu, /minion and /fanclub14 work accordingly.

/bulbasaur list
lists all members of the bulbasaur fanclub.
/ivysaur, /vensaur, /charmander, /charmeleon, /charizard, /squirtle, /wartortle, /blastoise, /pichu, /pikachu, /raichu, /minion and /fanclub14 work accordingly.


/tipmenu [all]
Sends the tipmenu to the user who posted the command.
Broadcasters and moderatros can specify "all" to send the tipmenu to everybody.


/list (broadcasters and mods only)
Displays a list of all censored words (only to the user who issued the command)

/censor <term> (broadcasters and mods only)
Adds the term <term> to the list of censored phrases.

/uncensor <term> (broadcasters and mods only)
Removes the term <term> from the list of censored phrases.

/silence <user> (broadcasters and mods only)
Manually silences the user <user>. This silence is only active as long as the bot is running, due to limitations of chaturbate's interface bots cannot use CB's internal silence methods.

/unsilence <user> (broadcasters and mods only)
Unsilences the user <user>. This silence can only revert automatic silences by this bot or manual silnces by the /silence command, due to limitations of chaturbate's interface bots cannot use CB's internal silence methods.

/autosilence on|off (broadcasters and mods only)
Turns automatic silencing of users who used censored words on/off. This silence is only active as long as the bot is running, due to limitations of chaturbate's interface bots cannot use CB's internal silence methods.

/autoremove on|off (broadcasters and mods only)
Turns removal of messages with censored words on/off. If off, censored words are instead starred out. Removal does not alert the user, which makes it the recommended setting for anti-harrasment.

/censorship broadcaster on|off (broadcasters and mods only)
Turns censorship for the broadcaster on/off.

/censorship mods, /censorship fanclub and /censorship token can be used to change the settings for moderators, fanclub members and users with tokens.

/notifications broadcaster none|notice|original (broadcasters and mods only)
Changes the notification type the broadcaster receives when a message was changed.

/notifications mods can be used to change the settings for moderators


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