Author: truness
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Make better use of @Mentions. Guns 🔫 and Ammo can be purchased or assigned. When a Gun owner @Mentions people it 'MentionMarks' the person adding it to messages they type. Paintball Mode is fun with busy chat. Silent Mode is less chaotic.

Full Description

Paintball Chat

Make better use of @Mentions ( ) using this Bot. Guns and Ammo can be purchased or assigned. When a Gun owner has Ammo their @Mentions of people will MentionMarked the person mentioned.

A MentionMarked can be Positive or Negative Each time the Player or Host uses a @Mention or -@Mention, the person mentioned is MentionMarked.

Being MentionMarked with @Mention is a GOOD thing, the person shot gets the Target followed by Players POSITIVE 'GUN' mark added to the being of their chat messages.

Examples: (1x blue 2x red)

Being @MentionMarked with -@Mention is a BAD thing, the person shot gets the Target followed by NEGATIVE mark added to the being of their chat messages.

Example: (Shows Player negative Thumb Down and Host Negative Poop)

Gun / MentionMark setup Options:

Include Color Circle (8 players) -
Include Color Square (8 players) -
Include Color Heart (8 players) -
Include Color Diamond (3 players) -
IncludeMUSIC Instruments (9 players) -
Include Science objects (7 players) -
Include Tools (16 players) -
Include General Clothing (16 players) -
Include Woman Clothing (14 players) -
Include Men Clothing (6 players) -
Include Drinks (19 players) -
Include Fruit (19 players) -
Include Vegetable (15 players) -
Include Sweets (13 players) -
Include Other Food (46 players) -
Include Zodiac (12 players) -
Include B&W Circle (17 players) -
Include B&W Square (13 players) -
Include B&W Triangle (7 players) -
Include B&W Diamond (3 players) -

MODE - The Bot can be ran in three different Modes:

PAINTBALL) Bot broadcasted, shots displayed and Users TIP to buy Guns & Ammo. Example Gun shot message:
SILENT) No broadcast or display of shots. Users TIP to buy Guns and Ammo. Visitors are notified about the BOT when they enter the room (recommend adding Gun purchase to normal tip menu)
ASSIGNED) Runs the same as Silent but only provides guns using GUN ASSIGNMENT SETTINGS. Guns cannot be purchased with a specific tip amount and have unlimited ammo.

Gun / Ammo Settings:

GUN COST - Tokens to purchase a Gun (one per player)? (11 default)
STARTING AMMO - Number of Bullets in Gun when it is purchased?: (6 default)
MAX AMMO - Number of Bullets that Player can have before they are not allowed to buy Ammo)?: (6 default)
AMMO COST - Tokens to purchase additional Ammo(s),0 = no add Ammo?: (1 default)
ADD AMMO - Number of Ammo added when purchased?: (1 default)

Stop Here if you do not want to get into advanced settings

Gun Assignment Settings:

Registered Users (auto assigned a gun) Users names (enter names separated by commas): Users names entered here will be auto assigned a gun regardless if they are in the room or not.
On Enter Room (auto receive a gun): Mod, Fanclub or above, no one
On Tip any amount (auto receive a gun): mod, fanclub or above, dark purple or above, purple or above, dark blue or above, blue or above, no one

Host Settings:

Host POSITVE @ Mention Symbol: ,,, or
Host NEGATIVE -@ Mention Symbol: ,,, or
User NEGATIVE -@ Mention Symbol: ,,, or

Display Settings:

Bot Broadcast delay (minutes between Bot chat reminders)(0 = no broadcast): (default 10)
Display OWNERS Gun Mark at end of their chat messages: (default Yes)
Example set to Yes: The Red Circle is truness's assigned Gun.

Chat Commands:

'/players' Displays a list of all players, showing Name and Gun Assigned.

'/targets' Displays a list of all persons @ Mentioned.

'/pcinfo' Displays bot details and commands.

Host/Mod Chat Commands:

'/addplayer' - Gives player a Gun. Command is followed by players name without @
/addammo' - Give player Ammo even above MAX. Command is followed by players name and # for amount of ammo to add.
'/showplayers' Displays a list of all players, with all information displayed.
'/silenton' NO gun shot messages or purchases are displayed.
'/silentoff' ALL gun shot messages and purchases are displayed
'/purchaseon' Players CAN purchase Guns and Ammo
'/purchaseoff' Players CANNOT purchase Guns and Ammo
'/cleartargets' Removes all markers from all targets. Useful if the markers build up to much.

I want to thankRed Sparrowand the Flock. I had an amazing time testing this with all of you and could not have released this without your support. You are all wonderful and I am honored to be part of this great group of people.

I am always interested in improving what I create so send me your ideas or suggestions. If you find any issues or problems please let me know.Please send any Feedback to[email protected]

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