Author: rubzombie
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Assign aliases to your chat room regulars.

Full Description

Now featuring RoboBan Rx/Instaban technology. See RoboBan for further details.

This bot is CBS-enabled, and may have its settings saved and restored using the Save'N'Restore bookmarklet. See Save'N'Restore Tip Goal for more details.

This is a simple bot that allows broadcasters to give their room guests aliases or nicknames.
The bot also now allows broadcasters to customize the color and background of their aliased room guests' chat.

To give someone an alias, the broadcaster simply types /name someone alias .
Aliases must be unique. If you assign the same alias to someone else, the original holder loses their alias.

To color someone's chat, the broadcaster types /color someone color_value .
And to highlight someone's chat with a background color, they type /hilite someone color_value .

Color and hilites can also be given to aliases using the same two commands, as long as the aliases are entered in accordance with the pre-set lists' escaping requirements (explained below.)

Specific color values can be entered as either CSS color names, HTML color codes or rgb() colors, but if the special color value of auto is given for either color or hilite, the aliased guest's chat will be colored and highlit so as to obscure their member name.

Broadcasters can choose to apply this automatic color/highlighting scheme to all aliased guests (so-called "ninja" mode) in the launch settings, or toggle it on and off with the /auto command.

By default, aliases are displayed with a preceeding "aka" tag. This tagging can be toggled off and on with the /aka command.

Settings: Pre-set Lists:

Normally, the only information Chaturbate apps and bots remember, is that entered as launch settings. So, de-activating Nicknames clears all the aliases, colors and hilites a broadcaster might have assigned while the bot was running.
However, typing /names, /colors or /hilites, while the bot is running, displays a list of the associated assignments, which can be copied and saved as a text file, and subsequently pasted into the appropriate Pre-set setting, to restore the assignments the next time you launch Nicknames.
Alternatively, broadcaster may use the Save'N'Restore bookmarklet system, detailed below, to save and restore the bot's live settings.

Settings: Pre-set Lists: Escaping Aliases

When entering aliases with the /name command, they may include any character, including spaces, commas and at (@) signs, but those characters, as well as any character from the extended unicode character set, will appear as unicode escape sequences (namely \u0020, \u002c and \u0040), when listed.

And when specifying an alias in the /color and /hilite commands, any space characters are required to be similarly escaped.

As well as \uXXXX, Nicknames can interpret a number of other escaping forms, including %XX, %uXXXX, \xXX and \u{XXXXXX}, the latter of which is particularly useful for including unicode emoji sequences. So, for instance \u{1f60d} is a suitable escaped input form for and space, comma and at can be input as %20, %2c and %40. Note, though, that all escaped forms are converted to JSON compatible \uXXXX format for consistency.

Settings: Save'N'Restore:

All pre-set and in-chat entered names, colors, hilites and settings can now be saved and restored to and from file or browser local storage using the Save'N'Restore bookmarklet. When restored, previously saved settings are merged back into any current assignments.

In-chat Commands:

Nicknames has the following (broadcaster-only) in-chat commands:

If any of these in-chat commands clash with those of another app or bot, they may be qualified by pre-pending them with either nick or the slot in which the bot is loaded.
For instance, if you want help, you can type either /nick? or, if the bot is loaded in the Bot #1 slot, simply /#1? .

Additional Settings: Multi-line Safe Mode:

It can sometimes happen that Chaturbate has problems displaying multi-line notices. /help produces a multi-line notice. So if you use it and get no response, re-launch Nicknames, (remembering to first display the current alias assignments with /names , see the section on using the Pre-set List setting) enabling Safe Mode, to convert all multi-line notices into their single-line equivalents. Unfortunately, in Safe Mode, the single-line equivalents aren't guaranteed to be displayed in the intended order, which can be confusioning, and is why it is better to run Nicknames with Safe Mode disabled, if possible.

Additional Settings: Spam Blocking Mode:

The launch settings chat spam blocking option can be enabled and disabled in-chat by the broadcaster using the following command:


Also by the Same Author:

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