mau55's free blackjack game
Author: dangermau55
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

mau55's free blackjack game

Full Description

***in testing***

with thanks to: calven06

1. Type "/play" to initiate a game.

2. The chat screen displays the broadcaster's hand and your hand. The game is waiting on you. Decide whether to hit (type !h) or stay (type !s). As with typical blackjack, you're objective is to be closer to 21 than the broadcaster (who must hit on 16 and lower).

3. Continue to hit (type !h) until you are close to 21 at which point you should stay (type !s). If you hit and cards equate to 22 or over, you bust and the broadcaster wins. When you stay (type !s), the broadcaster will automatically be dealt cards until their total reaches 17 or above 21 (dealer busts, you win).

Note, game is locked to player vs. broadcaster after a tip is received. While a game is in progress, tips from others that meet the minimum deal in will be ignored until the current hand ends. If the game is locked and the initiating tipper is not responsive (left the room), the broadcaster may reset the game by typing !reset .

Command list:

!h = player hit
!s = player stand
!p = prize list
!stats = show player stats
!cmds = this command list
!r = rules
!reset = broadcaster use if game needs to be reset (player leaves in middle of game or something)

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