Author: basket1892
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Players tip💰 to play Match3 🎰 game to win a rare prize!

Full Description

A game of passion and chance to encourage and reward tips. Create tip incentive and reward with the Match3 game. Offer's tipper's a small chance to possibly win a rare and valuable prize.

Match3 Settings

Configure the amount of tip required to play, the chance of winning, the prize, color and theme for the match3 symbols.

Match3 Symbol Themes

Candy Symbols

Classic Symbols

Cute Symbols

Fall Symbols

Spring Symbols

Summer Symbols

Winter Symbols

How To Play Match3

Like a turbo charged slot machine, the Match3 game generates 3 random symbols and if the player matches all 3 symbols they win a rare prize.

Other bots by basket1892
Broadcaster Icon
Dados de Fantasia
Easy Fantasy Wheel 1.0
El menu
Everything Bot
Haz Que Llueva Magia
Multi Color Chat
Rueda de Fantasia Facil 1.0
Spam Hunter
Thank You
The Tipmenu
Tip Magic
Todo Bot

Match3 game bot by basket1892 - version 1.18 2022-05-01 @basketsbots(twitter) [email protected](email)

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