Manage Greys
Author: jusstanotherdud3
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

A bot to control the chatting behavior of grey users

Full Description

Manage Greys introduces a cooldown period for new grey users. As soon as a grey user joins your broadcast, chatting is disabled for a specified timespan, blocking all messages by the user. The idea is that spammers are impatient and wont wait this cooldown period and move on instead.

Optionally, you can disable chatting for grey users entirely, either when starting the application or while broadcasting.

*Customize the cooldown period*: You can change the time grey users will have to wait when joining your channel.

*Disable grey chat*: Prevent grey users for chatting. You can set this when starting the bot or while broadcasting. Perfect to keep control of your chat.

*Customize message*: Customize the block message for grey users. Any grey user attempting to chat will receive this message (you can turn that off as well).

*Reset cooldown*: You can choose to reset the cooldown when a user rejoins your session, so your grey viewers will always have to wait. You can use this option when you have a frequent problem with spammers


/togglegreys - Turn chatting for grey users on or off, regardless of their waiting period. Only the broadcaster and moderators have access to this command

/allowchat - Manually allow a grey user to chat, overriding their waiting period.

/ac - Short option for /allowchat

This bot is very new and has been tested on the Chaturbate Testbed. If you encounter any issues while using this bot in your own channel, let me know so I can fix them fast! If you have feature requrests, feel free to leave a comment.

*Other Languages*:
The userguide is also available in other Languages

DE - b3SmvZnUp1Vt8dgeT3xma6ssTZaDx-O5U

ES (machine translated) - CD3NKl0hp55a4DiOV6hp64FURSmjsHvG4

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