LovenseLushLevels extended
Author: boywithlove81
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Extended version of LovenseLushLevels by _atze_

Full Description

This bot is based on the LovenseLushLevels bot from author _atze_
Check out his bots as well!

New Update

Last updated on 19 April 2024

How to use the bot?

  1. Open your Lovense Browser
  2. Go into the settings of the Lovense extension
  3. Transfer the settings of your basic levels into the text fields of the bot, from "Lush Level #1" to the number of levels, which you use.
  4. Transfer the settings of Special Commands to the textfields of the patterns, which you use e.g. Earthquake pattern, Fireworks pattern and so on.

Special Commands description

For the Special Commands, the bot offers you a feature of sorting the commands by tokens and you can use @variables in the description.

I recommend to use this pattern of description:
100=Tip @tk @pattern @lush 10 seconds

Where 100 is the amount of tokens, and 10 the seconds. Change these two values only! To disable the pattern, set an 'x' or any other character to the amount of tokens.

Variables for auto insert:
@tk => amount of tokens
@pattern => pattern description e.g. EARTHQUAKE pattern
@lush => lush emoji

You don't have to use the variables and you can also write your own description without the equality sign. But sorting the special commands only works for fields with equality sign.

Check the description how to set up or view the level settings here:

Default settings, when all fields are enabled

Emoji codes

:lslvl4 EARTHQUAKE Pattern
:lslvl5 FIREWORKS Pattern
:lslvl3 WAVE Pattern
:lslvl2 PULSE Pattern
:lslvl1 RANDOM Level
:lslvl8 CLEAR the Queue
:lslvl7 PAUSE the Queue
:lslvl6 Generic Special Command

Sort and chat options


The antispambot silences most of the spam messages. The messages of the greys are subjected to various checks and if they are detected as spam, they are silenced. Messages from colored users are also silenced if they clearly contain spam. The bot silences e.g. snapchat spam, website spam and many other spam messages.

The antispambot does not use a captcha mode for usual messages but only a message filter mode. The guys who write proper messages are able to write.

Antispambot options


These commands only work for the broadcaster and for all moderators!

/h or /help ==> Show help menu
/color ==> Show help for color modes for messages
/color [NUMBER] ==> Set a new background color for messages
/showword or /show word and similar ==> Show bad words list

Tags: lovense, lush, lovenselush, antispam, anti spam, anti spambot, anti spam bot, antispambot, antispambots

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