just peachy [spank bank]
Author: okaym4rs
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

a sweet and simple spank bank bot.

Full Description

this was written as a partner bot to my 'just peachy' spanking app, but can be used alone if you like!

---------- features ----------
-an easy way for users to add one, five, or fifty spanks to your bank at a time while you're online.
-the ability to start your bot with the amount of spanks already in your bank.
-the ability to end your bank however and whenever you want.
-custom notice colors!

---------- broadcaster tips ------------
-if you choose "when i end it", simply type /endspankbank in the chat to close your bank!

-make sure to manually update "spanks already in your bank" and "days left" each time you start this bot! it can't remember those things by itself!

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