Jessica Multigoal 30 slot
Author: we_love_cheese
Description Launch App Current Users

Short Description:

multigoal with 30 slots

Full Description

A goal not working for you? Type /skip and move onto the next one. Wanting to drive more interest? Announce your next goal with /upnext. Wanting to hurry along the tippers? Just type /timer x (where x is a number from 1 to 60) to set a timer for how long you're willing to wait for the goal to be met. Feeling like being generous? Use /addtokens x (where x is more than 0) to add fake tips toward the goal. Or use /removetokens x (where x is more than 0) to remove tips from the goal.
You can also set the highest tippers to show up with a background, like Tip Goal King - colour schemes are supported, and fricking rainbow (random) is an option!
* /stats - Displays token stats, usable by broadcasters and mods
* /reset - Resets the goal back to the starting values, usable by broadcasters only
* /continue - In manual progression mode, moves onto the next goal. Only usable when the goal has been met and in manual progression mode. Usable by broadcasters only
* /skip - Skips a goal
* /upnext - Announces the next goal to the room
* /timer - Sets a timer for the goal to be met in minutes
* /timer stop - Stops the running timer
* /addtokens - Adds a "tip" to the goal, incrementing if necessary
* /removetokens - Removes a "tip" from the goal, decrementing if necessary
* /setcolors - Sets a new tipper highlight theme - see below for the theme names!
* /hidden - toggles a hidden show on or off
* /hidemsg - sets the message during a hidden show to the specified text
* /admit - grants a user access to the hidden show
* /unadmit - removes a user from access to the hidden show
* /tickets - lists all users with access to the hidden show
* /gift - if you have a hidden show ticket, gives it to someone else
* /unmute - if you have disabled grey user chat, allows the specified user to chat
* /mute - disallows the specified previously allowed user from chatting if grey chat is disabled
* /add - Adds a new goal for the current session only, for with the specified token count and description
* /delete - Deletes the last goal for the current session only
* /support - Toggles a special mode to allow the developer to access the same commands as the broadcaster in order to assist you. Defaults to OFF.
* /help - Take a wild guess. Really.
The following colour schemes can be used for tipper highlighting. You can select these from the Launch App page, or by typing '/setcolors' followed by the scheme name.
* Legacy: High Tipper, High Total
* Pink: High Tipper, High Total
* Forest: High Tipper, High Total
* Sky: High Tipper, High Total
* Purple: High Tipper, High Total
* Sunshine: High Tipper, High Total
* Random: Picks a different colour theme every single time the high tipper speaks. Freaking rainbow, people!
* None: Doesn't highlight anyone's messages
* Allow broadcaster to reset back to the first goal without stopping and starting the app - this might require some stamina though!
* Allow mods to see the goal list with /goals
* Allow broadcaster to announce the next goal in the list with /upnext
* Leaderboard in /stats output - type /stats to see your stats including your top 10 tippers
* Goal timer. Sick of waiting for the goal to be met? Type /timer x and hurry those blues up! Sets up a timer that counts down until your goal offer is off the table
* Allow tracking of both goal king and sum goal king (highest tip and highest sum total tips)
* Allow directly manipulating tokens toward goals with /addtokens and /removetokens
* Allow broadcaster to loop the last goal infinitely (for example "tip if you enjoy" or "every x do something", in case the first several goals were progress goals toward a repeating goal)
* Manual progression mode. Allow broadcaster to set the goal to only increment once a command is entered
* Colour schemes for tip goal kings, because the set everyone uses sucks.
* Add ability to add a new goal at runtime and remove the last goal at runtime
* Hidden shows and shit
* Allow repeating a goal IN THE MIDDLE several times
* You can now set a minimum total tip to enter the hidden show before it starts.
* Hidden Shows now give a little more warning before starting
* And now you can add random hashtags. Yay I guess?
* Hidden Show tickets can now be gifted
* Grey chat can be muted by TMG without using CB's internal mute, allowing specified users to bypass the grey chat filter by using /unmute and /mute

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