ChatGPT King Tipper Bot
Author: mentalcex
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Written by ChatGPT (with help from mentalcex)

Full Description

This bot will keep track of the 'king tipper' for the length of your transmission by thanking each user who usurps the 'king' with a message in black font over a gold background. This bot will also greet your 'king' if they leave and return to chat!

This is a very simple bot by 'king tip bot' standards while being a very complex bot for ChatGPT to construct on it's own. Unlike the ChatGPT Welcome Bot, this bot could not have been written by a single prompt and required my understanding of the outcome in order to correctly direct the AI. However, it was written using full sentences to describe the desired outcome. Pretty amazing, actually.

98% written by ChatGPT on 6/12/23 at 12:36 am.
2% edited by mentalcex

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