Blondirix - "All in One"
Author: wheels_4_you
Description Launch App Current Users

Short Description:

For Blondirix only, else this app will give a fatal error.

Full Description


Title: Blondirix - "All in One"
Author: Wheels_4_You
Version: 3.210426


In public chat, Type in the / initiated command along with any needed attribute, if necessary
Anna.... The most important commands for you are in Red


NOTE - Commands shown below will send a lite grey advisory message to both Anna and mods
/menuwill send the tip menu to the person requesting it
/pollwill send the token poll menu to the person requesting it
/prizeswill send the dice game prizes to the person requesting it
/winnerswill send the dice game winners to the person requesting it
/statuswill send the users hidden cam status to the person requesting it

**** COMMANDS FOR ANNA & MODS (with no restrictions) ****

NOTE - Commands shown below will NOT send an advisory message at all
/>then a message including :gifs, will send the message to Anna and all mods - no one else
Example: /> Hey guys :hii Really horny today, make me proud!
/<then a message including :gifs, will send a reply to the original message sender - no one else
/.then a string of ":" image(s) to display them without the "notice" in chat nor who they came from (use \n for a new line)
/,then any message, including :gifs. Displays in chat as an anonymous sender (use \n for a new line)

NOTE - Commands shown below will send a lite grey advisory message to both Anna and mods
/helpwill send "this" list to the person requesting it
/prizes allwill send the dice game prizes to everyone in the room
/menu allwill send the tip menu to everyone in the room
/poll allwill send the token poll to everyone in the room
/reportwill send the tipping, hidden cam, guest & follow report to the person requesting it
/tg listwill send the multi-goals listing to the person requesting it

NOTE - ALL commands below, will send a BOLD RED advisory message to both Anna and mods
//to recycle the room subject, reload the tip menu array and update / cycle the tip panel
/clrto clear the room chat
/notify pwrto toggle off / on the rotating message notifier (default on)
/gif pwrto toggle off / on the blocking of gifs for greys (default off)
/2step pwrto step through the anti-spam settings (on = (basic) 2 step message requirement for greys to chat, on (enhanced) = applies advanced anti-spam techniques (default) )
/nato toggle on / off the "not available mode" in the rotating message notifier (default off)
/naxwill send a 1 time "not available" message to the notifier
/breakto toggle on / off the "on break mode" in the rotating message notifier (default off). The command now includes an option to override the subject when turning ON the break mode.
Example: /break Back in a little bit. Having dinner :)
**** COMMANDS FOR ANNA & MODS HAVING ELEVATED PERMISSIONS (mod permissions - default off) ****

/mod pwrto toggle on / off elevated permissions for the mods (default off)
/welc pwrto toggle off / on the automatic welcome to room messages on user entry (default on)
/subj msgto modify the general subject message (always 1st) and / or the "hash" keywords in the room subject. The separator is a "|". Leaving either out erases them. A zero will keep it unchanged.
/subj tgto toggle through the 3 settings for the tip goal notification in the room subject (default on - via timer)
/subj floodthen a new value for anti chat flooding, based on the tip goal notification setting above
/subj diceto toggle off / on the tip dice game notification in the room subject (default on)
/subj hashto toggle off / on the #hashtags / alternate text notification in the room subject (default on)
/subj orderto toggle through the 3 different topic orders in the room subject
/tm pwrto toggle off / on the tip menu (default on)
/tg pwrto toggle off / on the tip goals (default on)
/tg listto show the list of goals, the current goal and the tokens remaining for the current goal
/tg selthen the goal # that you want active (this can also reset the current goal by using the current goal number)
Example: /tg sel 6use /tg listto get the goal numbers
/tg rdmrandomly resorts the tip goals, the current active goal number & tips applied remain. Use /tg sel # (above) to reset the goal
/tg remthen a the goal # you want removed from the list (this resets to the next available goal)
/tg movADVANCED! format is: /tg mov|goal to move number|to where number
/tg addADVANCED! format is: /tg add|goal number|goal cost|goal description
/tp pwrto toggle off / on the token poll (default on)
/tp resetwill reset the token poll votes
/tp addADVANCED! format is: /tp add|poll item number|poll item cost|poll item descriptionwill add an item to the token poll
/tp remADVANCED! format is: /tp rem|poll item numberwill remove an item from the token poll
/dice pwrto toggle off / on the dice game (default on)
/dice resetto reset the dice game into a default state
/dice toksthen a new token amount needed for rolling of the dice
/dice limitthen a new value to limit how many times the dice can be rolled per tip (default = 2, 0 = unlimited)
/dice saleto toggle on / off the dice sale (default = off, purchase the max rolls, get 1 more)
/dice remvto toggle on / off the the removal of won prizes after each tip (default off)
/cam startto start the hidden cam session with current ticket price & mode (default = 69 toks in cumulative mode).
OPTION - Follow the command with a new entry cost as desired.
Example: /cam start 150
/cam start noto start the hidden cam session with current mode. Guests cannot tip to get in but can be added via /cam add.
/cam start spclto start the hidden cam session in a special NO GUESTS mode. /cam add, /cam clr add, and /break commands are disabled. Any new guests into the room with hidden cam credentials are also blocked from seeing.
/cam stopto end the hidden cam session
/cam addthen a user name to add user to the hidden cam guest list. Now allows a comma (,) or pipe (|) separated list of users.
Example: /cam add cum_launcheror, for multiple - /cam add cum_launcher, wheels_4_you, feetlicker69
/cam remthen a user name to remove user from the hidden cam guest list. Now allows a comma (,) or pipe (|) separated list of users.
/cam recalcthen a new (or same) token value for a ticket price (NOTE - hidden cam must be stopped, mods / fan club members may have to refresh browser to be included again, if their option is turned on)
/cam modethen a new (or same) token value for a ticket price. This is exactly the same as "cam recalc" except that the tipping mode changes from "cumulative" to "1 time" and vice versa
/cam clror/cam clr add to clear the hidden cam guest list, using the "add" option will automatically re-add the the exempt users from settings
/shift(a shift change) to restart the app in a fresh, new state, but keeping previous tipping & hidden cam ticket holder records
/dbDANGEROUS! format is: /db|user name|replacement message

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