Author: mentalcex
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Highlight your users with color (mute/spy/king options too)

Full Description

Aura is a CB add-on bot that assigns colors to users. Assigned colors attempt to match CB default chat colors. Colors include model orange, mod red, fan club green, king gold (custom), dark purple, light purple, dark blue, light blue, grey, black-out and white-out (custom). Text color can be over written for users other than grey. Users who are not tipping can receive 'grey text' and users who have tipped can receive 'gold text'. Additionally, a users token totals can be output to chat (super script, default CB, sub script).

'Grey text' users can be muted from speaking. Muted chat can be sent to you, privately, so nothing is missed. Users can pay to regain chat either as a one-time tip or cumulative amount over the length of your transmission. Muted users are made aware as they chat and shown the cost option to purchase public chat.

This bot is currently free to use...

If you like this bot, please consider a token donation:

, .
DM @cexmental on X-Twitter or SynergyChaturbate @ gmail

Si este bot te ayuda, por favor considera una donacin de token:

Other Interesting Bots of Color:
multi color chat MOD
The Green Team
The Red Team
The Upper Echelon
The Grey Team
grow me a Rainbow
Rotating Rainbows
Every Tip Thank You Bot
Virtual Clubs

Tested: 100% fully functional
Last Update: 2/18/24 7:48 pm
Copyright 2024 to the author, MentalCex

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