VIP Party!
Author: mark54321
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Throw a party for tippers and friends

Full Description

VIP Party! is a bot that hides your camera from everybody but the Party guests.

You can run 2 types of parties:
* Tip to Enter
* VIP Only

With Tip to Enter, anybody tipping the entry fee you set will be added to the camera.

With VIP only, only those usernames you specify are allowed to see your camera.

You can set:
* The type of party (Tip to Enter or VIP Only)
* The entry fee tip to join the party (Only used if you set Tip to Enter)
* An optional "guest list". This is a list of usernames that are automatically allowed in regardless of the party type.
NOTE that they are not required to tip if you set Tip to Enter.
* You may allow specific viewers in at any time (add them to the guest list) and remove that status as well
* Whether or not mods are automatically on the guest list
* Whether or not fan club members are automatically on the guest list
* You and your mods may remove specific users at any time. This removes them from the camera feed without having to ban them.
* "Removed" users can be "unremoved" by the broadcaster or mods

Just fire up the bot and type /help to get started

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