Tropical Fanclub Bot
Author: tropical_milf
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Fanclub bot

Full Description

Short Description:

Custom Fanclub bot for Tropical Milf

Full Description

Custom Fanclub bot for Tropicl Milf.
This Bot features 3 Fanclubs.
Users can join clubs by tipping a specific amount. Users in the fanclub get a tag assigned to all their messages and are announced when joining or leaving the room. In addition to that, message color and background color can be changed for fanclub members.
If a user tips the specified amount of tokens during your show, (s)he will get added to the club automatically for the duration of the show - but you have to add the user manually before your next show. Unfortunately bot's cannot save their settings, so there is no way around that. The same is true for any changes made to the fanclub using commands while the bot is running.


/captain +
/captain add
adds to the first fanclub (non-permanent, see above).
/deck Swabber and /highesttippers work accordingly.

/captain -
/captain remove
removes from the first fanclub (non-permanent, see above).
/deck Swabber and /highesttippers work accordingly.

/teamezra list
lists all members of the first fanclub.
/deck Swaber and /highesttippers work accordingly.

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