Tip, Talk or Go!
Author: mark54321
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Hide cam from viewers that don't tip or talk

Full Description

Tip, Talk or Go! hides your camera from viewers that don't tip or talk within a configurable period of time.

You may may set:
* The time interval in which a viewer must have tipped or chatted
* An optional "guest list". This is a list of usernames that are automatically allowed to view the cam without restriction
* You may allow specific viewers in at any time (add them to the guest list) and remove that status as well
* You may limit the camera to only blues. Grays will not see the camera. Anonymous users will always be blocked because they can neither chat nor tip.
* Whether or not mods are automatically on the guest list
* Whether or not fan club members are automatically on the guest list
* You and your mods may remove specific users at any time. This removes them from the camera feed without having to ban them.
* "Removed" users can be "unremoved" by the broadcaster or mods

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