Tip Hunter
Author: notthatfrank
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Hunt for the secret number!

Full Description

By NotThatFrank

Tip Hunter is a simple game that lets your viewers hunt for a secret number by tipping is a given range of numbers. The game runs over several rounds and the winner is whomever guesses the secret number the most times.


When launched, the bot will require you to enter the prize that can be won, as well as the range of numbers the tips must be within. A game mode is then selected, and off you go.

The setup options are:
Game Prize (required) lets your viewers know what they're playing for.

Min.Tokens to Play (required) is the lower bound on the tipping range the game will be played in.

Max. Tokens to Play (required) is the upper bound on the tipping range the game will be played in.

Play for... (required) selects the game mode. You can either let it run forever, let it run a given number of minutes, or let it run a given number of rounds.

Minutes/Rounds (required if game mode is minutes or rounds) is the number of minutes the game wil remain active for if you've selected the minutes mode, or the number of rounds that will be played if you've selected that mode. If you've elected to play forever, this field has no effect.


This bot uses several in-chat commands:
!tiphunt will show the current status of the game. This includes the current round being played and the top-five players of the game. If you're the broadcaster, it will also tell you what the current secret number is.
!thleaders shows the entire leaderboard of everyone who's played in the game.

The Game

When started, the bot will pick a random number between the the lower and upper bound you've specified. Every time a viewer tips within those bounds, they will play the game. If they tip the secret number, they will win the round and be given a point on the leader board. If the tip is not the secret number, the number that was tipped will be taken out of the game and the bot will wait for another tip.
Whenever the secret number is tipped, a new round with a new secret number will start until the game ends.
When the game is over, the bot will announce the winner and display the leaderboard so any secondary prizes may be claimed.


Please feel free to report bugs and suggest features in the comments below.

Enjoy... ;o)

Version History

Version 1.0
Initial launch.

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