Shy Country Cutie Bot
Author: kellynumberfan
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Shy County Cutie's Room Bot

Full Description

* /menu or /m or /rewards or /r - show tip menu/rewards
* /silence - Hide Users Text from Room
* /unsilenced - Unhide Users Text from Room
* /showuser or /su or /sh or /showhidden - Shows list of hidden users
* /censor or /c - add a word to the list
* /censor2 or /c2 - add a word to the list
* /list or /l - Display list of censored words
* /list2 or /l2 - Display list of censored words
* /addtrustedmod or /atm - Add to Trusted Mods
* /listtrustedmod or /ltm - List Trusted Mods List
* /removetrustedmod or /rtm - Remove from Trusted Mod List
* /addtip or /at - Add to Tippers List
* /listtip or /lt - List Tippers
* /addgrey or /ag - Add to Special Grey Friends List
* /listgrey or /lg - List Speical Grey Friends List
* /removegrey or /rg - Remove from Speical Grey Friends List
* /adddouche or /ad - Add to Douche List
* /listdouche or /ld - List Douche List
* /removedouche or /rd - Remove from Douche List
* /msg1 or /m1 - Set the Message 1 Message
* /msg1mins or /m1m - Set the Message 1 Timer in minutes
* /msg2 or /m2 - Set the Message 2 Message
* /msg2mins or /m2m - Set the Message 2 Timer in minutes
* /msg3 or /m3 - Set the Message 3 Message
* /msg3mins or /m3m - Set the Message 3 Timer in minutes
* /msg4 or /m4 - Set the Message 4 Message
* /msg4mins or /m4m - Set the Message 4 Timer in minutes
* /msg5 or /m5 - Set the Message 5 Message
* /msg5mins or /m5m - Set the Message 5 Timer in minutes
* /listmessages or /lm - Display the Messages
* /greyon or /greyoff - Toggle Allowing/Disallowing Greys to talk in chat.
* /spamon or /spamoff - Toggle Allowing/Disallowing Most Spam Bots.
* /changereward or /cr - Change the Reward Located in Index X to Amount and Description
* - /cr 1 100 This is the description now
* /removereward or /rr - Remove the reward
* - /rr 1
* /addnicegrey or /ang - Add Nice Grey User
* /listnicegrey or /lng - Show All Nice Grey Users
* /removenicegrey or /rng - Remove the Nice Grey from the List

* Changes
* v1.0 - Initial Release
* v1.1 - Added commands for Trusted Mods & Broadcaster
* /cn
* /tm
* /tbm
* /bc
*v1.2 - Added SPAM Bot Filter
* Added Grey Speech on/off
* Added Command to change Rewards on the fly:
* /changereward or /cr [index] [amount] [description]
* /cr 1 100 Menu Item
* /removereward or /rr - Remove the reward
* - /rr 1
* v1.3 - Expanded Tip menu to 50
* - Expanded Messages to 10
* - Added messge commands 6 to 10
* - Added Room Suject / HashTags and Command. /subject
* - Added Reward Item Added Message
* - Change Tip Menu Timer on Fly - /tiptimermin or /ttm
* - Change Tip Reward Message - /trc using #USERNAME# & #ITEM#
* - Command to change Emojis
* Trusted Mod - /cetm
* Fan Club - /cefc
* Douche - /ced
* Grey Friend - /ceg
* - Commands to change Tip Scale Emojis
* Tip Scale - /tse
* Tip Scale 500 - /ts5
* Tip Scale 1000 - /ts1
* Tip Scale 2000 - /ts2
* Tip Scale 3000 - /ts3
* - Command to display all emojis - /dts

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