My secret Show
Author: tonyflyn
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Hidden cam bot with 2 modes: full access or pay per minute

Full Description

This bot allows the broadcaster to hide the camera at any time during the show.
Viewers are encouraged to join the hidden show by tipping a certain amount.

List of modes:

- Full Show: Users can access the hidden show with a single tip and watch until the show end is over.

- Pay Per Minute: Users can view the hidden show for the number of minutes they purchase. They can send tips at any time to increase their remaining viewing time. When their time is over, they are removed from the viewers list.

- No tippers: Hidden shows can't be acceesed with tips. Viewers must only be added manually using the /add [username] command, gaining access to the full show.

List of commands:

/sshelp - Show a list with all secret show commands

/start - start a hidden show with a default price

/start [price] - start a hidden show with a custom price

/stop - Ends the current hidden show

/add [username] - add a user to the hidden show

/remove [username] - Remove a user from the hidden show

/list - Shows all users in the hidden show

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