Kris' Super Bot
Author: quid14
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

All in one ultrabot. Optimized - Krisamazing

Full Description

King Tipper: The user who has tipped the most tokens will have a small crown to the left of his message. The minimum tip total to become King is up to you. There is also an option to have the bot send a message every few minutes (you decide how often) that says "Tip x to become the new King!", where x is one more than the amount that the current King has tipped.
Leaderboard: The top three tippers are saved to the Leaderboard. There is also an option to have the bot send a message every few minutes (you decide how often) that displays the leaderboard.
Rotating Notifier: You can set messages to be displayed when a user enters the room, when a user tips, and on a set interval. Each message type can be toggled on or off individually, the minimum tip to trigger the tip message can be changed, and you can change the interval on which the periodic message posts to the screen.
Tip Messages: This simple bot displays a chat notice to the tipper thanking them for their tip.
Timers: You and your mods can start a timer by typing /starttimer x, where x is the number of minutes you want your timer to run. You can add time by using /addtime x. The timer announces time left at 5 minutes remaining and 1 minute remaining. The exact amount of time left can be viewed with /timeleft.
Room Control:The commands /silencelevel and /graphiclevel work the same way as /ignorelevel, except they filter messages and graphics that are being sent to the chat window. There is also the /silence command if you only want to silence an individual user.
& More!!!
// findTipper ==> finds and returns the index of a user
// notify ==> shorthand for sending notices to the mods and broadcaster
// setSilenceLevel ==> called when /silencelevel is used. sets silenceLevel
// setGraphicLevel ==> called when /graphiclevel is used. sets graphiclevel
// silence ==> called when /silence is used. adds a user to the silenceArray
// unsilence ==> called when /unsilence is used. removes a user from the silenceArray
// startTimer ==> called when /starttimer is used. starts a timer for t minutes
// timer ==> called from startTimer. it's the actual timer
// fiveMinuteWarning ==> called from startTimer. if t > 5, sounds a warning at 5 minutes remaining
// oneMinuteWarning ==> called from startTimer. if t > 2, sounds a warning at 1 minute remaining
// timeLeft ==> called when /timeleft is used. sends the user a notice with the time remaining
// addTime ==> called when /addtime is used. adds t minutes to the timer, if it is running
// startTimer1 ==> called when /starttimer1 is used. starts Timer1 for t minutes
// timer1 ==> called from startTimer1. it's Timer1 actual timer
// fiveMinuteWarningA ==> called from startTimer1. if Timer1 t > 5, sounds a warning at 5 minutes remaining
// oneMinuteWarningA ==> called from startTimer1. if t Timer1 > 2, sounds a warning at 1 minute remaining
// timeLeft1 ==> called when /timeleft1 is used. sends the user a notice with Timer1 time remaining
// addTime1 ==> called when /addtime1 is used. adds t minutes to Timer1, if it is running

// sendNote ==> called when /note is used. sends a notification to the room
// sendWhisper ==> called when /whisper or an alias of /whisper is used. sends a private message to a user in chat

// kingSpam ==> spams "tip x to be king" every 5 minutes if the user setting allows it
// kingSpamTimer ==> the actual timer for kingSpam
// theLeaderBoard ==> creates the elements for the leaderboard
// ldrSpam ==> spams the leaderboard every 5 minutes
// ldrSpamTimer ==> the actual timer for ldrSpam
// showLeaderBoard ==> called when /leaderboard is used. shows the leaderboard
// notifierSpam ==> called from init, starts the timer for notifer spam
// notiferSpamTimer ==> the actual timer for notifierSpam
// kingSpamToggle ==> called when /kingspam is used. toggles the spam
// notifierSpamToggle ==> called when /notifierspam is used. toggles the spam

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