Keep Calm
Author: saneqtcsxz
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Shut It and Room Statistics Bot

Full Description

* DESCRIPTION: To be most effective, run this bot prior to pressing the "Start Broadcasting Button"
* This bot will collect statistics on Tokens, Users and Messages.
* - Running Minutes
* - Total Tokens Collected
* - Number of Unique Tippers
* - Tokens Per Minute
* - Average Tip Amount
* - Tips Per Minute
* - Number of Tips
* - Max Tip Amount
* - Total Visitors
* - Total Unique Visitors
* - Total Messages
* - Total Broadcaster Mod
* - Fanclub Messages
* - Total Blue Purple Messages
* - Total Grey Messages
* - Total Messages With Emotes
* - Break down by gender
* Turn off Grey Chatter
* Block or replace certain Words
* Public words list - All users can see words
* Private words list - Never shown to public
* Block certain Users from chatting
* !list or !l- shows public words to room.
* !help - shows commands
* !block - block a user
* !unblock - unblock a user
* !showusers or !su - shows which users are banned
* !listprivate - shows private words to broadcaster only.
* !add - add a word to the public list
* !addprivate - add word to the private list
* !s or !stat - to display the statistics

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