Author: ccxk
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Short Description:

Advanced Featured Ultra Bot

Full Description

* Name: Innocent_Abby Ultra
* Author: CCXK
* Version: 2.0 (17 Jul 2016)
* Based on: Ultra Bot


/findTipper -> finds and returns the index of a user
/emodArrayPopulate -> adds users to the emodArray
/niceArrayPopulate -> adds users to the niceArray
/greyArrayPopulate -> adds users to the greyArray
/notify -> shorthand for sending notices to the mods and broadcaster
/setSilenceLevel -> sets silenceLevel
/setGraphicLevel -> sets graphiclevel
/silence -> adds a user to the silenceArray
/unsilence -> removes a user from the silenceArray
/startTimer -> called when /starttimer is used. starts a timer for t minutes
/timeLeft -> sends the user a notice with the time remaining
/addTime -> adds t minutes to the timer, if it is running
/startTimerA -> starts Abby's timer for t minutes
/timeLeftA -> sends the user a notice with Abby's time remaining
/addTimeA -> adds t minutes to Abby's timer, if it is running
/startTimerJ -> starts Jessi's timer for t minutes
/ timeLeftJ -> sends the user a notice with Jessi's time remaining
/addTimeJ -> adds t minutes to Jessi's timer, if it is running
/startTimerK -> starts Katie's timer for t minutes
/ timeLeftK -> sends the user a notice with Katie's time remaining
/addTimeK -> adds t minutes to Katie's timer, if it is running
/note -> sends a notification to the room
/whisper or /w -> sends a private message to a user in chat
/ignore -> adds a member to the user's ignore list
/unignore -> removes a member from the user's ignore list
/ignorelevel -> sets ignoreLevel for the user
/leaderboard -> shows the leaderboard
/addvip or /removevip -> adds and removes users from the Free CrazyTicket list
/addnice or /removenice -> adds and removes users from the niceArray
/addgrey or /removegrey -> adds and removes users from the greyArray
/kingspam -> toggles the spam
/notifierspam -> toggles the spam
/colorChecker -> verifies the color code is valid

***** NEW FEATURES *******************************

===== New Timers
- Timers for Abby, Jessi and Katie
- use standard timer commands but add a , j or k at the end of the command to start separate timers

===== Grey Wordlist
- Blocks annoying and abusive behavior from greys (words, sticky keys, etc.)
- Multiple variations of blocked words will get flagged. This includes sticky key variations and, where possible,
spaced out variations.
- Non-grey users can be manually added to the "grey list," which will subject their messages to the same scrutiny
as greys, including wordlist, capitalization, and graphic levels. This can be useful when you have users who are
tipping, but whose messages are annoying or abusive. It essentially acts as an enforced warning level before
silencing or banning the user.
- A user without tokens who has tipped will not be subject to the grey wordlist (Unless added to it manually)
- Broadcaster can choose whether to notify sender if their message gets blocked based on wordlist. (By default,
the sender is NOT notified. This seems to make things run more smoothly, because the abusive senders assume
the message went through and they don't feel the need to try again and again with different variations)

===== Gender
- Displays Icon next to username to show Gender of User

===== Notice
- Allows broadcaster and moderator to send on-demand notices to the room using /note, /n, or /notice

===== VipList
- Allows broadcaster and moderators to add people to future CrazyTicket shows.


===== Whispers
- Added whisper level of '4' (Accepts whispers from no one other than fan club and mods)
- Set the broadcaster's default whisper level to '4'. (This is intended to prevent abuse of the "whisper" feature)
- Whispers are subject to a user's wordlist and graphic level restrictions.
- Users who have been silenced using the /silence command will not be able to send whispers either. (This mimics
Chaturbate's behavior with PMs)

===== Silencing + Silence/Graphic Levels
- Removed messages sent to silenced user (This makes silencing stealth to the silenced user)
- Fixed graphic and silence levels so that a level of '1' (members with tokens) will also include a user without
tokens who has tipped

===== Convert Capital Letters to Lowercase
- Updated the code so that uppercase image codes are not taken into account.
- Option to apply capitalization restrictions to greys only. This is now the default.

===== Dick List
- This feature has been removed since it wasn't being utilized. (If Ultra Bot starts using it, I will re-add it.)

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