Hellen App
Author: crow6stick
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Short Description:

Custom App for Hellen featuring selective cam viewing

Full Description

selective cam viewing (no anons, no greys, only tippers) and a flexible goal setup.

Selective Viewers
The broadcaster can hide the camera from anonymous users, grey or people who haven't tipped.

Flexible Goals
The broadcaster can set up a goal that includes any combination of number of tips, number of tippers, tokens total & size of tips to count. See the command list below for all possible combinations & examples for each.

Note that this app is created and customized for mila_ and not intended for everyone. Contact me if you want your own bot with custom wording!


/subject (broadcasters & mods only)
Changes the room topic. Same as changing it using the Chaturbate UI, but can be enabled for mods, too.
Information on how to reach the goal will be appended automatically, do not include it manually.

Selective Viewers

Displays who can currently watch the video

/noview off (broadcasters & mods only)
Turns the hidden cam off. Everyone can see the video.

/noview anon (broadcasters & mods only)
Hides the cam from anonymous users.

/noview grey (broadcasters & mods only)
Hides the cam from anonymous users and people without tokens (aka "greys")

/noview notip (broadcasters & mods only)
Hides the cam from anyone who has not tipped yet. Note that the app can only track people who have tipped while the app was running, so restarting the app will clear that list and people have to tip again. There is no way around this.

Flexible Goals

Displays the current goal

/goal none (broadcaster & mods only)
/goal off
Removes the current goal

/goal [total] [tips] [tippers] [tokens] (broadcaster & mods only)
Sets a new goal. Note that there are no spaces between the numbers and the type (e.g. "15tokens", not "15 tokens")!
Any of the parameters can be combined, resulting in 15 different configurations:

/goal total
Sets a goal that is reached when n tokens have been accumulated.

Example: /goal 500total
500 more tokens needed to reach the goal.

/goal tips
Sets a goal that is reached when n tips of any amount have been received

Example: /goal 15tips
15 more tips needed to reach the goal.

/goal tippers
Sets a goal that is reached when n different people have tipped

Example: /goal 10tippers
10 more people to tip needed to reach the goal.

/goal tokens
Sets a goal that is reached when a single tip of n has been received

Example: /goal 250tokens
A tip of 250 tokens needed to reach the goal.

/goal total tips
Sets a goal that is reached when n tokens have been accumulated and m tips of any amount have been received

Example: /goal 500total 15tips
15 more tips and a total of 500 more tokens needed to reach the goal.

/goal total tippers
Sets a goal that is reached when n tokens have been accumulated and m different people have tipped

Example: /goal 500total 10tippers
500 more tokens by at least 10 different tippers needed to reach the goal.

/goal total tokens
Sets a goal that is reached when n tokens have been accumulated and only counts tips of m tokens

Example: /goal 500total 25tokens
500 more tokens (only counting tips of 25 tokens) needed to reach the goal.

/goal tips tippers
Sets a goal that is reached when n tips of any amount have been received and m different people have tipped

Example: /goal 15tips 10tippers
15 more tips by at least 10 different tippers needed to reach the goal.

/goal tips tokens
Sets a goal that is reached when n tips of m tokens have been received

Example: /goal 15tips 25tokens
15 more tips of 25 tokens needed to reach the goal.

/goal tippers tokens
Sets a goal that is reached when n different people have made a tip of m tokens

Example: /goal 10tippers 25tokens
10 more people to tip 25 tokens needed to reach the goal.

/goal total tips tippers
Sets a goal that is reached when n tokens have been accumulated, n different people have tipped and l tips of any amount have been received

Example: /goal 500total 15tips 10tippers
15 more tips and a total of 500 more tokens by at least 10 different tippers needed to reach the goal.

/goal total tips tokens
Sets a goal that is reached when n tokens have been accumulated and n tips of l tokens have been received

Example: /goal 500total 15tips 25tokens
15 more tips of 25 tokens and a total of 500 more tokens needed to reach the goal.

/goal total tippers tokens
Sets a goal that is reached when n tokens have been accumulated and n different people have tipped, and only counts tips of l tokens

Example: /goal 500total 10tippers 25tokens
500 more tokens by at least 10 different tippers (only counting tips of 25 tokens) needed to reach the goal.

/goal tips tippers tokens
Sets a goal that is reached when n tips of l tokens by at least m different people have been received

Example: /goal 15tips 10tippers 25tokens
15 more tips of 25 tokens by at least 10 different tippers needed to reach the goal.

/goal total tips tippers tokens
Sets a goal that is reached when a total of n tokens have been accumulated and m tips of k tokens by at least l different people have been received

Example: /goal 500total 15tips 10tippers 25tokens
15 more tips of 25 tokens and a total of 500 more tokens by at least 10 different tippers needed to reach the goal.

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