Finley_'s Bot
Author: boobiestrap
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Notifier and Fanclub bot for Finley_

Full Description

Custom bot for Finley_

This bot features:

Fanclubs (5 Levels)
Users can join several clubs by tipping a specific amount. They get a title highlight (configurable) in chat, and they get announced when they enter or leave the room.

If a user tips the specified amount of tokens during your show, (s)he will get added to the club automatically for the duration of the show - but you have to add the user manually before your next show. Unfortunately bot's cannot save their settings, so there is no way around that.

Notifier (5 different ones)
The broadcaster can set up 5 notifiers. Those can automatically be posted in a fixed time interval, or manually using commands (like pre-texted notices). Both features can be used together or separate form each other.

broadcasters and moderators can send out notices in chat. Optional color and font weight settings can be applied. Details below.



/fanclub1 + <username>
/fanclub1 add <username>
adds <username> to the first fanclub (non-permanent, see above).
/fanclub2, /fanclub3, /fanclub4 and /fanclub5 work accordingly.

/fanclub1 - <username>
/fanclub1 remove <username>
removes <username> from the first fanclub (non-permanent, see above).
/fanclub2, /fanclub3, /fanclub4 and /fanclub5 work accordingly.

/fanclub1 list
lists all members of the first fanclub.
/fanclub2, /fanclub3, /fanclub4 and /fanclub5 work accordingly.


/notifier1 text <text>
Change the text of the first notifier to <text>.
/notifier2, /notifier3, /notifier4 and /notifier5 work accordingly.

/notifier1 time <seconds>
Change the interval of the first notifier to <seconds>. 0 disables the automatic notifier, but it can still be used to post the defined message manually.
/notifier2, /notifier3, /notifier4 and /notifier5 work accordingly.

/notifier1 color <color>
Set the text color of the first notifier to <color>. Colors can be predifined names like "green" or "black", or HTML color codes.
/notifier2, /notifier3, /notifier4 and /notifier5 work accordingly.

/notifier1 background <color>
Set the background color of the first notifier to <color>. Colors can be predifined names like "green" or "black", or HTML color codes.
/notifier2, /notifier3, /notifier4 and /notifier5 work accordingly.

/notifier1 weight <fontWeight>
Set the font weight of the first notifier to <fontWeight>. Valid values are "normal", "bolder" and "bold".
/notifier2, /notifier3, /notifier4 and /notifier5 work accordingly.

Posts the first notifier manually. It does not affect automatic posting if enabled.
/notifier2, /notifier3, /notifier4 and /notifier5 work accordingly.


/notice [~group] [+c<color>] [+b<color>] [+w<weight>] <text>
sends <text> as a notice out to all users.

Formatting is possible:
- specify +c<color> before the text to set the text color.
- specify +b<color> before the text to set the background color
- specify +w<weight> to set the font weight

You can also specify ~orange, ~red, ~green or ~cyan to send the notice to all users with that color.

/notice Hey y'all! Go tip, it's fun, trust me!
(sends "Hey y'all! Go tip, it's fun, trust me!" to all users, dark blue text on yellow background (default settings)

/notice ~red +b#e99 Hello Moderators!
(sends "Hello Moderators!" to all moderators, black text on light red background)

/notice ~cyan +wbold +cblue Wanna spend your tokens?
(sends "Wanna spend your tokens?" to all users with tokens, bold blue text on white background)

Bot Control

/set /get /load and /unload can control the internals of the bot. No documentation as of yet.


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