Code Words
Author: codeanon
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Replaces words/phrases of your choosing with alternatives.

Full Description

Type out the words/phrases you want to be replaced and separate them by commas. After the last word, put a colon, and then the word/phrase you'd like to replace it.

For example, the following line would replace the words "bitch", "whore", and "slut" with the phrase "lovely lady" in each message:

bitch, whore, slut: lovely lady

You can add up to 30 such replacements, and you can decide whether it applies to everyone or only grey users. Users with the right privileges can add new replacements on the go with the following command:

/cw_add my phrase, another phrase, word : replacement value

The remaining 30 lines are for regular expressions. With these, you can enter a regex pattern, followed by ||, then the replacement value. For example, this would replace "mmmmm" with "blegh", regardless of how many M's the user tacks on:

m{3,} || blegh

Regex matching is hardcoded to be case-insensitive, and the bot automatically adds word boundaries to the start and end of each expression.

You can also use regex to replace the entire message. The following line would replace all messages containing "mmmmm" with "I am an impotent, simple-minded snot monster."

.*\bm{3,}\b.* || I am an impotent, simple-minded snot monster.

Unlike the word/phrase lines, you must restart the bot to add new regex replacements.

Questions on regex, this bot, or anything else? Join the Chaturbate Code Corner on Discord!

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