Author: miiixl
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Short Description:

cb-essentials based room app for Catch_me_ by miiixl

Full Description

This is a room specific version for Catch_me_

This app is full of powerful features, including all the core features of cb-essentials- as well as model-specific requests.

cb-essentials is an extention which aims to provide a number of various plugin bundles in various configurations to models and their rooms. At its core it is made up of the nessecary plugins to make a model more successful increase her rooms performance.

Request your own

cb-essentials is a powerful application which can maximise your rooms potential! I am open for commissions for anything you can think of! Please see my contact details for further information.

My other stuff

Check out my publicy available apps and bots!
+ cb-tipmenu
+ cb-kings
+ Moderator Tipnotes
+ ChatColors
+ mixlBot (Coming Soon)

created by miiixl

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