Cards Against Humanity..
Author: albinogator
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Coat hanger abortions. Kid-tested, mother-approved

Full Description

Cards Against Humanity

/join - join the game (duh)
/cards - view your whitecards (duh)
/help - (take a guess)

/list - view the list of players
/kick [username] - kick someone from the game
/auto - toggle auto start on or off
/play - manually start a game when auto start is off
/vote [number] - vote for the funniest answer. e.g. "/vote 3" = vote for player 3

/[1-10] - play a white card. e.g. "/4" = play card 4
[1-10] - preview a white card in context with the black card without actually submitting an answer. e.g. "4" = preview card 4.

Basically, to submit an answer, put a "/" before the card number.
To preview, omit the "/".

Currently this game is entirely free play. There are no restrictions on who can join. This game probably won't help you make money. But it may or may not alleviate boredom.

Feel free to leave a comment any questions, suggestions, criticisms, random thoughts, or food allergies.

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