Author: entomy
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Room control bot

Full Description

This bot exists to handle room control as automatically as possible.

As with all my bots, /help is caught and reports the specific help command: /bouncerhelp

"SilenceLevel" and "GraphicLevel" work a bit differently here. The set color signifies the lowest that isn't effected. So "grey" means nothing is filtered, "lightblue" means greys are filtered, "green" means everyone not a fanclub or moderator is filtered, etc. GraphicLevel only removes emotes from a message, instead of silencing the whole message.

"Advertisement Filter" uses a heuristic to attempt to find and mute advertisements from chatbots and shady broadcasters. This may flag innocent speech as false positives.

"Demand Filter" uses a heuristic to attempt to find and mute demands from users. This may flag innocent speech as false positives.

"Dirty Talk Filter" uses a heuristic to attempt to find and mute dirty talk from users. This may flag innocent speech as false positives.

"Website Filter" uses Regular Expression matching to find and mute messages with websites. This may flag innocent speech as false positives.

"Filter Details" is whether to show the message caught by the filter or only that something was caught and who said it. I recommend this is on.

"Filter Exception" stop the respective users messages from being checked by the filters. I recommend this is on.

While this bot was designed to run alongside the custom room bots (i.e. LizsRoom, BlondiesRoom), this bot isn't customized in any way, and should run fine for everyone. This bot should work with any app or bot that does not have conflicting commands.

This bot was developed with the Chaturbate Apps & Bots Framework at: ramework

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