BoobiesTrap's Word Replace Bot
Author: boobiestrap
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

This bot can replace words (or sentences) by other words (or sentences). Highly configurable.

Full Description

This bot allows broadcasters to specify any number of phrases to be replaced by other phrases. This can be single words, multiple words or entire sentences.

Replacements can be turned on or off individually for grey users, users with tokens, fanclub members, moderators and the broadcaster.

The broadcaster and, optionally, moderators are notified when a replacement was done - optionally they can also see the original message without replacements.


/replacements [list] (broadcasters and mods only)
Displays a list of all replacements in chat.

/replacements add <search> <replace> (broadcasters and mods only)
Adds a single word replacement that replaces <search> with <replace> while the bot is running.
Multi word replacements can currently only be configured when starting the bot.

/replacements remove <search> (broadcasters and mods only)
Removes the replacent rule for <search> while the bot is running.
Multi word replacements can currently only be configured when starting the bot.

/replacements broadcaster on|off (broadcasters and mods only)
Turns replacements for the broadcaster on/off.

/replacements mods, /replacements fanclub and /replacements token can be used to change the settings for moderators, fanclub members and users with tokens.

/notifications broadcaster none|notice|original (broadcasters and mods only)
Changes the notification type the broadcaster receives when a message was changed.

/notifications mods can be used to change the settings for moderators

/set /get /load and /unload can control the internals of the app. No documentation as of yet.


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