BoobiesTrap's Tipper Title Bot
Author: boobiestrap
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Adds titles to every person who tipped more than a specific amount

Full Description

BoobiesTrap's Tipper Title Bot is a simple way to grant all viewers who tipped more than a certain amount a title that is displayed before their emssage text.

You can either used the highest tip a tipper did, or count all tips and add them up.

Amount and title can be customized, and of course emoticons work fine as a title.

Commands (broadcasters and, optionally, mods only):

/set tipper_title <title>
changes the title of tippers to <title>

/set tipper_amount <amount>
sets the amount of tokens necessary before people get the title to <amount>

/set tipper_type [highest|total]
changes if the bot uses either the highest tip or counts all tips a viewer does. It does not reset tip statistics, changes are immediately.


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