Author: asdfghjkl28

You are viewing version 48580. There is a newer version of this app. See the latest version of this app.

Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Hide or silence all messages containing words and phrases specified by you

Full Description

Name: Auto-moderator bot
Summary: Hide or silence all messages containing words and phrases specified by you
This bot lets you specify a list of words (bb, slut, etc.) and phrases (open boobs) that you wish to be blocked.
You can even ban specific graphics if you put the code for them in the word list (e.g. :plow)
You can also optionally ban words with lots of repeated letters (e.g. mmmmmm)
Broadcasters and moderators will not be silenced or censored by this script even if they use the banned words/phrases.

You can choose whether to just hide all messages containing these words/phrases or whether to also
automatically silence a user if they break these rules more than a specified number of times.

When a message with a banned word is detected, the user is warned that their message was rejected.
If you have auto-silence on, they will also be told how many warnings they have left.

Silenced users will be unable to say anything (even messages not containing the banned words).
The broadcaster and the moderators can unsilence individual users by typing commands in the chat window.
Optionally you can allow users to get themselves unsilenced by tipping - you choose the minimum amount of tokens for this.

To see the available commands, type /help into the chat window.
To see the number of messages blocked and users silenced, type /stats in the chat window.

Because of the way chaturbate works, if you relaunch the bot, the list of silenced users will be emptied.
I cannot change this unless chaturbate adds new features for bots/apps (they are on their roadmap).

Features planned for the future:
1. Allow a user to get themselves unsilenced if they write an apology (text specified by you)
2. Option to ban messages in all capital letters (or maybe just convert to lower case?
3. Allow broadcaster and moderators to add new words or phrases to the ban list for the current session without
restarting the app (these won't be remembered for next time - you'll need to add the new words on the setup page
when you next launch the app. If you keep a text file with your banned word list somewhere you can add to it
during a broadcast so you can just paste the increased list in next time.
4. Option to label warned users (add [w] to the front of their messages?)

This is a relatively new bot, while I have tested it a bit, I can't be sure it does not have bugs as
I have not been able to test it lots of times in a live, busy room.
Please let me know if you have any problems using it and I will try to rectify them.

If you have feedback (positive or negative), you can use disqus below or you can get in touch with me directly
through twitter on @asdfghjkl28asd (I will share my email address through there if you need to go into detail).

- Fixed problems with silencing unexpectedly (I'm really sorry about this! Please do try the bot again)
- When a user is unsilenced their warn count is reset so they will get warnings before being silenced again
- Don't silence users for saying the room name even if it matches a banned word or phrase
- Obey setting for "Allow user to tip to be unsilenced" (it was enabled regardless of the setting before)

- Fix crash where only a word or only a phrase was used as the ban list.
- New commands: add/del to add and remove words/phrases from the banned list for the current session

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